On April 25th, 2009... hundreds of thousands of young people and adults... people like you and me... will gather in over 140 cities in over 16 countries worldwide... and unite together to free the innocent from Joseph Kony's reign of terror and ensure that he is brought to justice... by being symbolically abducted... and waiting for the rescue.
What will you do to help the thousands who die everyday? What will you do to help the child abducted in his sleep and forced to kill his entire family and fight for a terrorist? What will you do to help? WHAT WILL YOU DO TO CHANGE THE WORLD? What will you do?
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Sole to Soul
Children in Haiti are walking around with no shoes on... why can't we look past ourselves for one day... ONE DAY... and do the same? April 15th, 2009.
Look past yourself. For just one day.
Look past yourself. For just one day.
Fall '09 Schedule
So it's that time of the semester again... advising and registration! :) Yes, with only 4 weeks left in the semester, I have received my schedule for next fall and it is.........
Intermediate Spanish II - Dr. Pardue - MW - 9:00am to 10:40am
Business Computer Information Systems (BCIS) - Dr. Harper - TH - 8:ooam to 9:20am
EXSS Conditioning (B) - Coach Johnston - TH - 11:00am to 12:20pm
Financial Accounting - Dr. Fischer - TH - 9:30am to 10:50am
Communicating in Business - Dr. Byrd - MWF - 12:00pm to 12:20pm
Chapel - Dr. Loutherback - W - 11:00am to 11:50am
Yes. I only have ONE class on friday :) True that! Double True!
Intermediate Spanish II - Dr. Pardue - MW - 9:00am to 10:40am
Business Computer Information Systems (BCIS) - Dr. Harper - TH - 8:ooam to 9:20am
EXSS Conditioning (B) - Coach Johnston - TH - 11:00am to 12:20pm
Financial Accounting - Dr. Fischer - TH - 9:30am to 10:50am
Communicating in Business - Dr. Byrd - MWF - 12:00pm to 12:20pm
Chapel - Dr. Loutherback - W - 11:00am to 11:50am
Yes. I only have ONE class on friday :) True that! Double True!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Spring Formal!
Every year hundreds of decked out college students head to a grand night boldly entitled: Spring Formal. FYC puts this gala on, this year being held at Tenrock Ranch in Salado, Texas. With a dinner, dance, and dessert what could go wrong but a tablecloth catching on fire? That seemed to be the least of our worries as we danced the night away and had an absolute blast.
Our group who rode together, from left to right... Me, Spencer, Bryan... and our dates... Nicolette, Kelsey, and Megan. :)
Me and Nicolette, my date :). She's a freshmen too and she plays volleyball for the school. Like Pancho, she's from brownsville. Also in this pic you can tell we spent the entire morning and afternoon at the ballpark... and I should of wore a red tie instead of orange... :) So there's her bio for you mom... ;)
The boys, with the exception of Pancho who was off chasing girls... ;) Me, Corey (Roommate for next semester), Spencer (Also a roommate), and Joe. Not a roommate, but still a great guy and friend! :)
Our whole group again... without Corey and Jessica... :) Bryan, Megan, Spencer, Kelsey, Nicolette, Me, Meghan, Brooke (W/out date Joe) ;), Hannah, and Alex. All in all formal was a HUGE success, FYC was highly lauded, Spencer ended up with a girlfriend, and I got a cute date and a free milkshake at chilis. :) The End.
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