Youth camp was this past week! A slightly different experience for me since I was a counselor for the 7th and 8th grade boys this year and not a camper myself. We took 95 youth and 15 adults down to Sandia, Texas for Camp Zephyr. Brad Fogarty was the camp pastor with Bob Smiley providing comical relief. All in all it was a GREAT week and we had 7 youth come to Christ!!! Here's some pictures from the week.
The first picture is of rec one day, the next one is of me and one of our 7th grade boys, Abraham. He's from Ethiopia and was adopted by a family in Maypearl. Coolest little guy I know!! The last one is of the entire church group that went. GREAT WEEK!!! :)
Also... find me on Twitter and Facebook! I realize I update those a whole lot more than I update this thing so for more updates about the life of Andy, find me there.
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