So about the second week of school i applied to be in FYC... or First Year Council. We partner with the student government and hold different activities around campus, with the big ones being spring formal and crusader nights. I applied and got accepted after an interview where i answered questions like 'Who's your favorite teenage mutant ninja turtle and why?' and 'If you could have any useless superpower what would you have?' and of course 'What's your definition of commitment?'. After a lengthy 5 minute interview i left and got a call later that night that i needed to be at initiation the next night. So of course i went... not knowing the path that lay ahead of me was quite a messy one... : )

For this one, we made a pyramid of people... which evidently fell... with me (left) and Joe (middle) at the bottom. : ) The leaders were pouring bags of flour, honey, and chocolate syrup all over us. Needless to say we loved every minute of it... ; ) Next we ran around campus and interuptted a kickball game and caused a large ruckus. Hahaha... Then we had a massive slip-n-slide!!! Full of FOOD!! : ) I honestly dont have a clue about what was on it, and i probably dont want to know... but i know that it was wayyyy too much fun... : )

This is after the fact. : ) Hahaha! Then our leaders talked to us semi-seriously about what FYC is reallt all about and the commitment that comes with it. I'm pretty excited about whats gonna happen and i've already made a tons of friends just through FYC. It's a blast, we always have a dance party after our meetings, and we just have so much fun doing whatever we're doing, either chalking a sidewalk, making announcements at chapel, or throwing a dance party in the quad. : ) Our leaders are great and have a real desire to help us learn and grow in our Walk and grow together as a campus community.

These are our leaders, Andrew, Lindsey, Brandon, Erica, Katy, and Ryan.... not in any specific order... hahaha. : ) After the meeting, we of course had to take pictures!

Most of our family group got in, probably because our big sister is roommates with the head FYC leader... : )

Just a whole big group of us... most of us are pretty tight, we all hang out most of the time... : )

Part of our group of guys that regularly hangs out... Me, Seth, Pancho, Ben, and Jake across the middle. : ) FYC IS AWESOME! : ) Hahaha...
Miss ya'll... love ya'll...
1 comment:
They called that "Slime Line" way back when I was a freshman at MH-BC! And it was even fun then!!!
By the Way, my email address is:
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