Intramurals are here!! : ) Our team, the Fireants, have been practicing relentlessly over the past three weeks, for flag football. I didnt realize how intense some of this actually is, people take this stuff seriously! There are a few teams who are just out to solely have fun, but most are out to win first and have fun next. After a few discrepencies, we decided it'd be way easier on all of us to have fun first and worry about winning second... after all... it IS just intramurals. : )

This is our team, the Fireants! Yes, we all have matching jerseys... and the girls in front are our coaches... : ) We went a little overboard with the publicity aspect of everything... we have coaches, team trainers (3 of our friends are athletic sports science majors), cheerleaders, photographers, and fans. We may not be the best team on the block, but we sure have the most people show up to every game! : ) The guy on the bottom left, laying down is our quarterback... he was the number one recruit for UMHB this year, but tore his ACL, MCL, and miniscus last summer. So he's stickin to intramurals. : )

Us stretching before a game....

Me, Poppa Bear (Spencer), and Clay sitting around, waiting for a game to start,

Me and Big Sam after a touchdown... i didnt know it, but Big Sam and Bryan... two of my best friends... went to the exact same youth camp that we did this summer... so technicaly... we knew each other way before school started... : )

Me and Tatenda after a game. T's our student body presdent and also one of the RA's in our dorm. He's always at anything that's going on cheering people on and being loud and crazy... He's also the leader of the CouchCru! He's a senior and we've already gotten to become pretty good friends... I'm gonna miss him a lotnext year... But THAT... is the fireants! : ) We bite!
Oh, is that your first spam comment? : ) Where is Tatenda from?
Zimbabwe! : )
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