To start things off, I got a new job this semester at Campus Rec! I love it because it involves sports, my best friends, and wearing whatever i want to work. :) Flag football season just ended and soccer and indoor volleyball just began. My best friend Spencer and my really good friends Jason and Levi work with me. Our good friend Kelsey is the Intramural Coordinator. She's a junior... and I want her job when she graduates... ie. I suck up and do anything her or Sue (Kelsey's boss) tell me too. Plus i get paid for everything i work. :)

Classes are going GREAT!!! My favorite is strangely Financial Accounting. It's actually not as hard as it looks!!! And the prof is a great guy who works with us and is making sure we learn the things we need to learn. Here's the schedule for this semester... even though it's about 9/17ths over with. :)
Being in an apartment and having a semi-constant flow of income has allowed me to learn how to buy and save my money a lot better than relying-on-the-rents Andy. I got an account at Chase, save with coupons and sales, and limit myself to 3 movies a month. :) But every now and then i do impulse buy and this little guy has got to be my greatest buy yet this semester. :)
UMHB inaugurated it's newest president, Randy O'Rear! We went even though we WEREN'T REQUIRED TO GO. :) Such dedication... And its not everyday you get to see a university president inaugurated. :) And being a Sophomore... you already know... it's Sophomore Bell time... :)

Oh yeah, I'm still with my gf, Ashton. :)

I wonder why she puts up with me most of the time... :) Lol...

So that's whats up in my world! Registration for Spring 2010 starts tomorrow so i'll be updating with a copy of next semesters schedule. :) Mom, Dad, the GPA is at a commanding 3.65. No worries about that scholarship ;) Miss everyone and i'll be back in the 817/972 next weekend for Jesse's 13th! See ya'll then...