A group came to our school the other day selling shoes. I really didnt think much about it because 1) I had no money and 2) I wasn't really interested in new shoes at the time. 3 weeks later i'm down a pair of shoes and now know the full story behind Toms Shoes. It's really a simple concept, instead of marking every shoe up a ridiculous amount, Toms keeps the price relativly low, but high enough so they can afford to make 2 pairs of shoes for the price you pay (About $45 a pair). With the pair you purchased... you get to keep, have, wear, etc. but with the other pair... that's where the fun comes in. : ) Toms sends another pair of shoes of the exact same make and quailty to Ethopia or another 3rd world country so people there can... have shoes. They've got a goal for Christmas 2008 to send 30000 paris to Ethiopia. Check out the video... : )
So if you're looking to get someone a present this year but you still want to help society, the world, etc... check out Toms. I met some of the people that head the organization and they're all a real down to earth, committed, sold out group of guys and gals just looking to do what they know God's called them to do... : )
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Homecoming 2008!!!
If one had passed through the town of Belton, Texas two weeks ago... they would of noticed something different about the city. The air of homecoming 2008 was around... Monday started off with the freshman class painting the town, that is, going around the shops and businesses around main street and the major roads and painting their shop windows... FYC mainly participated in doing this... The hype then climaxed at the pep rally friday night:

We had the burning of the letters and had about a twenty minute fireworks show... with the cheerleaders and football team having parts in gettin the crowd pumped for the game the next day... Afterwards we had a dance party in the parking lot for another 30 minutes and took a bunch of people to chilis. : ) The next day we had campus run at noon and then hit the field at 2 pm against another one of our big rivals Howard Payne University.

The top is a bunch of us from the couch cru, me and pancho painted our faces, his purple with yellow eye strips and me yellow with purple eye strips. The bottom is Eric Henry our All-American linebacker before the game. We ended up winning the game... by a lot...
It was a pretty lame game. It was 40-0 at the half. The highlight of the game was halftime, where they announced the homecoming king and queen, Tatenda Tavazeva and Martha Sicking : )
This is the pair at the semi-formal later that night. It was a ton of fun and me and a few others did a jonas brothers routine on the stage for the crowd... (I broke some hearts...) ; )
For my first homecoming at UMHB... it was a blast. There were so many traditions and things going on that weekend we didnt know what we were suppossed to do! I'll probably get in trouble for saying this, but it was mom's 20th year reunion! : ) The alumni were ALL over the campus friday and saturday and took all of the good parking... : ) This was UMHB's 99th homecoming celebration so next year celebrates 100 YEARS of homecoming at UMHB!!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
A Trip To Aggieland...
A few weekends ago, me and a few friends took a trip down to College Station to Texas A&M University. A friend of ours had some extra tickets to the football game, so we took off friday after class and went down, hung out, and went to the game saturday morning. Will I thought you'd appreciate some of the pics of the band that we took. : ) These next few were from our seats in the upper upper upper upper deck... lol... : ) We had nosebleeds to say the least, but it wa a blast. You can see how big the band is and some of the formations they do like he diamond and then the A&M logo...

The Aggies were playing Texas Tech the weekend we were there. It's a pretty big rivalry between the two, so we were lucky to get tix. About the end of the 3rd quarter people started leaving... (YES, even in Aggieland people leave if it's a bad game...) because Tech had a 21 point lead. So, given better seats, we moved down! : ) Here's where we ended up:

MUCH better, no? : ) Dad, check out the size of that instant replay screen!!! There wasn't much left of the game, so we left kinda early and saw this character on the way out... : ) Anyone know his name?
All said and done, we had an AMAZING weekend and hope we get the chance to go back soon! : )

MUCH better, no? : ) Dad, check out the size of that instant replay screen!!! There wasn't much left of the game, so we left kinda early and saw this character on the way out... : ) Anyone know his name?

Friday, October 31, 2008
Salsa & Soccer
Sorry it's been a while since i updated this thing... I've been really busy... studying and... stuff. : )
Intramural soccer started this week... our team name is El Fuego... The Fire. We had kind of a sketchy start since our game was at 930 Monday night, and most of us on the team had FYC at 10. We got through that and played the best team in the league last night... but we held them to only 3. They beat the team before us 12-0. : ) I'm a Co-Captain with Lindsay and we kinda give talks to the team to get them ready... or to just laugh because we have SUCH a blast... : )

We're 3-3 right now... Backtrack a few weeks with me... and me and Pancho started going to Salsa class on thursday nights. We learned the salsa, tango, 2-step, spins, and all kinds of dances. It's been a blast, but a couple of sunday nights ago we went to The Oasis in Austin on Lake Travis. This place was BEAUTIFUL. We got all dressed up and ready to salsa the night away... : )
We went and hung out for a few hours, took some pictures and then went back home in time for us to get a few hours of sleep before our 8 oclocks the next day... : )

It was so much fun, that's me and Taylor in the first two pictures and me, Pancho, and Curtis in the second one. I'll try to finish updating everything that's been going on in the past few weeks in the next few days... : ) Miss ya'll!

Here's all of our hands, breaking it out after a game...

We're 3-3 right now... Backtrack a few weeks with me... and me and Pancho started going to Salsa class on thursday nights. We learned the salsa, tango, 2-step, spins, and all kinds of dances. It's been a blast, but a couple of sunday nights ago we went to The Oasis in Austin on Lake Travis. This place was BEAUTIFUL. We got all dressed up and ready to salsa the night away... : )

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Common Ground: How to Stop the Partisian War that is Destroying America
As some of you know, I work for the graduate college here at UMHB as part of my work-study job. I assist in doing minuscule office work, grading papers, making copies, and anything else that the boss-lady needs me to do. Tonight that included helping set up for our biggest lecture of the semester. Before I left work yesterday I was told to dress very formal and that this was a very serious event. Two of the USA Today's leading journalists and political analysts, Cal Thomas and Bob Beckel held a debate based loosly off of their new book, Common Ground: How to stop the partisian war that is destroying America.
At first I thought that it was going to be a pointless thing for me to attend and didnt expect to get anything out of it but the two, one a devout democrat, the other a devout republican, have found a place where the two titles can coexist. They are friends first and foremost, Thomas led Beckel to Christ 5 or so years ago and they've lived, wrote, and been friends since. Among the things they said were we're Americans first. On the beaches of Normandy, at the American graves, there are crosses and a few stars of David in neat, perfect rows. On these crosses and stars, are names, ranks, branches, and dates of birth and death. There's no D for democrat or R for republican. We're all the same, we all bleed red, and we're all Americans. We can have different political thoughts... but when it comes down to it, we all want to 'promote the general welfare' as one prominent document once said. The two speakers had their differences, but they have agreed to disagree and find a common ground where they can discuss the differences rationally, find out what works best regardless of what side of the table it came from, and either accept it or agree to disagree. What would happen if Obama and McCain figured this out??? Different presidential race, huh??? What if congress figured this out??? This bail-out bill may never of been needed. Peloski wouldnt of put full blame on the president for something that was mostly her branches fault. The democrats wouldnt of said none of this was our fault. Agree to disagree. Figure out that we're Americans and friends first. And then republican or democrat second. Cal Thomas and Bob Beckel have opened my eyes to the politics of the United States of America. And who knows, i'll do my research and if there's a democrat that i think would do a better job than whos in office right now or whos running against him... i'll be voting for the democrat. It comes down to who will do their job the best... in my eyes. So i'm glad i got the work-study job i did. Opened my eyes to some things. : ) Thanks ya'll.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Couch Cru!!
So every Saturday afternoon, around four-ish, a group of young, dedicated youngsters from the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor gather in Van Circle, in their trucks, cars, vans, buses and proceed to ride around the city of Belton screaming, honking, and holding up the CRUsader sign. Campus and Belton police have the roads blocked off, much to the dismay of blue-collar workers headed home to their families, and wave back, holding their Crusader sign proudly. This would be called... Campus Run. : )

Here we have our Couch Cru leaders in the front truck, Tatenda with his Zimbabwe attire and UMHB studded clothes, and of course the flags... : ) Next one is of our car this latest time. Garrett and Yager came down this weekend and fell in love with the place, they both want to come back soon : ).
There really are no road laws during campus run since all of the roads are blocked off, so people drive on the wrong side of the road, honk really loud, throw frisbees in the Baucom's front yard... stuff like that. : ) After Campus Run is over, we meet up at the field and welcome the football team into the stadium. We'll wait for the game to start, run across the field and then form a line for the boys to run through out onto the field.
We then return back to our designated section in the endzone where we shake propane tanks full of gravel and coffee can shakers (Courtesy FYC!!) making as much noise as humanly possible. : ) Needless to say most of us have headaches after the game. : ) Here's a few pics from one of our games.

The Couch CRU. : )
Couch CRU Captains. : ) They run the show... Tatenda's on the end as the Couch CRU Captian's Captian : )
The Crusader Sign. Learn it. Love it. Live it. : )
UMHB is now 3-0, ranked number 3 in the country, with a point differential of 49 in our favor. : ) We play our arch-rivals the hardin-sinners cowgirls this week. : )
Miss everyone back in the Pearl!

The Couch CRU. : )

UMHB is now 3-0, ranked number 3 in the country, with a point differential of 49 in our favor. : ) We play our arch-rivals the hardin-sinners cowgirls this week. : )
Miss everyone back in the Pearl!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Monday, Tuesday or Thursday Night Lights.
Intramurals are here!! : ) Our team, the Fireants, have been practicing relentlessly over the past three weeks, for flag football. I didnt realize how intense some of this actually is, people take this stuff seriously! There are a few teams who are just out to solely have fun, but most are out to win first and have fun next. After a few discrepencies, we decided it'd be way easier on all of us to have fun first and worry about winning second... after all... it IS just intramurals. : )
This is our team, the Fireants! Yes, we all have matching jerseys... and the girls in front are our coaches... : ) We went a little overboard with the publicity aspect of everything... we have coaches, team trainers (3 of our friends are athletic sports science majors), cheerleaders, photographers, and fans. We may not be the best team on the block, but we sure have the most people show up to every game! : ) The guy on the bottom left, laying down is our quarterback... he was the number one recruit for UMHB this year, but tore his ACL, MCL, and miniscus last summer. So he's stickin to intramurals. : )
Us stretching before a game....
Me, Poppa Bear (Spencer), and Clay sitting around, waiting for a game to start,
Me and Big Sam after a touchdown... i didnt know it, but Big Sam and Bryan... two of my best friends... went to the exact same youth camp that we did this summer... so technicaly... we knew each other way before school started... : )
Me and Tatenda after a game. T's our student body presdent and also one of the RA's in our dorm. He's always at anything that's going on cheering people on and being loud and crazy... He's also the leader of the CouchCru! He's a senior and we've already gotten to become pretty good friends... I'm gonna miss him a lotnext year... But THAT... is the fireants! : ) We bite!

Friday, September 26, 2008
So about the second week of school i applied to be in FYC... or First Year Council. We partner with the student government and hold different activities around campus, with the big ones being spring formal and crusader nights. I applied and got accepted after an interview where i answered questions like 'Who's your favorite teenage mutant ninja turtle and why?' and 'If you could have any useless superpower what would you have?' and of course 'What's your definition of commitment?'. After a lengthy 5 minute interview i left and got a call later that night that i needed to be at initiation the next night. So of course i went... not knowing the path that lay ahead of me was quite a messy one... : )
For this one, we made a pyramid of people... which evidently fell... with me (left) and Joe (middle) at the bottom. : ) The leaders were pouring bags of flour, honey, and chocolate syrup all over us. Needless to say we loved every minute of it... ; ) Next we ran around campus and interuptted a kickball game and caused a large ruckus. Hahaha... Then we had a massive slip-n-slide!!! Full of FOOD!! : ) I honestly dont have a clue about what was on it, and i probably dont want to know... but i know that it was wayyyy too much fun... : )

This is after the fact. : ) Hahaha! Then our leaders talked to us semi-seriously about what FYC is reallt all about and the commitment that comes with it. I'm pretty excited about whats gonna happen and i've already made a tons of friends just through FYC. It's a blast, we always have a dance party after our meetings, and we just have so much fun doing whatever we're doing, either chalking a sidewalk, making announcements at chapel, or throwing a dance party in the quad. : ) Our leaders are great and have a real desire to help us learn and grow in our Walk and grow together as a campus community.

These are our leaders, Andrew, Lindsey, Brandon, Erica, Katy, and Ryan.... not in any specific order... hahaha. : ) After the meeting, we of course had to take pictures!
Most of our family group got in, probably because our big sister is roommates with the head FYC leader... : )

Just a whole big group of us... most of us are pretty tight, we all hang out most of the time... : )
Part of our group of guys that regularly hangs out... Me, Seth, Pancho, Ben, and Jake across the middle. : ) FYC IS AWESOME! : ) Hahaha...
Miss ya'll... love ya'll...

This is after the fact. : ) Hahaha! Then our leaders talked to us semi-seriously about what FYC is reallt all about and the commitment that comes with it. I'm pretty excited about whats gonna happen and i've already made a tons of friends just through FYC. It's a blast, we always have a dance party after our meetings, and we just have so much fun doing whatever we're doing, either chalking a sidewalk, making announcements at chapel, or throwing a dance party in the quad. : ) Our leaders are great and have a real desire to help us learn and grow in our Walk and grow together as a campus community.

These are our leaders, Andrew, Lindsey, Brandon, Erica, Katy, and Ryan.... not in any specific order... hahaha. : ) After the meeting, we of course had to take pictures!

Just a whole big group of us... most of us are pretty tight, we all hang out most of the time... : )

Miss ya'll... love ya'll...
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Welcome Week
Sorry this is so late... kinda been busy... studying of course. : ) Our first five days we were in Belton, Texas at THE University of Mary Hardin-Baylor, us incoming freshmen participated in what we call Welcome Week. Basically it's a crash course in the school before everyone else moves in. We played games, had rec, did worship, hung out, ate, all that good stuff as a 'family group' where our big brothers and sisters took good care of us and showed us the ropes of UMHB. Each group had a name based on a tradition of the school. Ours was the Easter Pagent (Which is in it's like 120th year... and it's NEVER rained on it either...), so our team name was the Krunk Disciples. : )

This was our group... minus a few soccer and baseball players... We're all still pretty close and hang out together all the time... it was an awesome week. : ) The guy on the far right's name is Pancho and he's probably one of my best friends down here.

This is me and Pancho at the Dubbing Ceremony where we officially became Crusaders Forever. It's a pretty nice event so we kinda dressed up for it. This is also where they break out the eternal flame... but it was so windy, it almost caught the back three rows on fire... so we used a quick flame. : )

Dr. Theodore... dubbing us!! : ) After Welcome Week was over, we had a huge rally where we worshiped and gave out awards for the most spirited and best dressed, etc... Guess who's group won what.... : )

: ) That would be us... All in all Welcome Week was like a miniature youth camp where we met people that i'll be friends with for the rest of my life!! : ) I'm loving every minute of this place and wish yall could experience some of the things that i'm getting to learn and go through. : )

This was our group... minus a few soccer and baseball players... We're all still pretty close and hang out together all the time... it was an awesome week. : ) The guy on the far right's name is Pancho and he's probably one of my best friends down here.

This is me and Pancho at the Dubbing Ceremony where we officially became Crusaders Forever. It's a pretty nice event so we kinda dressed up for it. This is also where they break out the eternal flame... but it was so windy, it almost caught the back three rows on fire... so we used a quick flame. : )

Dr. Theodore... dubbing us!! : ) After Welcome Week was over, we had a huge rally where we worshiped and gave out awards for the most spirited and best dressed, etc... Guess who's group won what.... : )

: ) That would be us... All in all Welcome Week was like a miniature youth camp where we met people that i'll be friends with for the rest of my life!! : ) I'm loving every minute of this place and wish yall could experience some of the things that i'm getting to learn and go through. : )
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